From kindergarten to the gates of university

A school for life, educating for the 21st century

Educating competent students and integral individuals
Comprehensive education for the 21st century

Literacy, introduction to research and the start of outside socialisation processes begin.

Primary School
Consolidation of native language reading and writing processes. Introduction and reinforcement of second language reading and writing.

Secondary School
The essential purposes are citizen education, preparation for higher education and preparation for work.
Bilingual modality
Colegio Bilingüe Neuquén is a Cambridge School and a Cambridge University examining School.
Through the ICE (International Certificate of Education) our students can validate and certify their Secondary School education through the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) exam. This external examination is composed of 7 exams in different elective subjects throughout two sittings in consecutive years. The subjects in our curriculum include: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Global Perspectives, Environmental Management, Business Studies, History and Spanish Language. The implementation of the syllabus of each IGCSE subject is carried out from 7th form of primary school up to 5th year of secondary school.
From kindergarten 3, our students attend English lessons weekly; and in primary school, students take classes in Language, Literature, Science and Global Perspectives.
International Examinations in English language:
• Y.L.E: Young Learners of English: Starters – Movers – Flyers
• K.E.T: Key English Test
• P.E.T. Preliminary English Test
• F.C.E: First Certificate in English
• C.A.E: Certificate of Advanced English
• C.P.E. Certificate of Proficiency in English

The trips organised by the school are part of the curriculum. Therefore, they have a correlation with the topics covered during the year, such as commodity chains, history, geography and economics, among others. Some entertainment and sport activities are also included in the trips. Starting from 3rd form, students travel outside the city of Neuquén. In secondary school, students have the opportunity to participate in international exchanges where they attend classes in English for a few weeks.

The school’s proposal in the field of robotics is planned across all levels, from early childhood education to secondary school, gradually increasing the complexity of the contents.
An emphasis is placed on students acquiring knowledge and understanding of how digital and technological systems that they use daily operate. The hypothetical-deductive method, commonly known as the scientific method, is employed in the classroom.

Starting from kinder 5 until 6th form, our students attend swimming classes on a weekly basis.